It is a place that invites you to tune in to the frequency of LOVE

It is any channel that is open to transmit and receive the magic of co create by sharing. Here we stimulate: LOVE, PEACE, UNION, IDENTITY AND GLOVESCIOUSNESS (global love consciousness). ALL THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LIFESTYLE THAT NURTURES OUR BEING AND THE ENVIRONMENT.

This place can be a house, a shopping center, a school, yourself or whatever place that is open to host a
´magic box´.
You will always find a MAGIC BOX that support and nourish the "GRATITUDE FLOW FOR THE WORLD GAME” The rest of the activities will always depend on who integrates the R.S., since each one has a color, a different gift and focus.
rainbow stations around the world
Country:: Chile
City: Viña del Mar
-Terapias Villanelo. Salud y bienestar.
instagram: @terapias.villanelo
Country:: Argentina
City: Cordoba
-Bendita Arte y Sanación. Blessed space of art and healing.
address: Dean Funes 278-high floor
instagram: @nuestrabendita
Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
-Agartha Joy Land. Holistic-Natural Medicine Therapies-Arts Center
address: Passatge Mar D´Alboran 4-6, 08918, Port. Badalona
email: agarthajoyland@gmail.com
instagram: @agarthajoyland
facebook: Agartha Joy Land
Country: Austria
City: Freistadt
-Atelier Von Hertz. Freeminded love art project-high energetic arts-community development.
facebook: Atelier Von Hertz